1. Introduction to LWC
  2. Websites to Bookmark
  3. Prerequisites
  4. VS Code and SFDX Basics
  1. Calculator Project
  2. LWC Bundle
  3. Using CSS
  4. Data Binding
  5. Conditional Rendering
  6. Looping or Iteration
  1.  UI Elements, Value Providers, Expressions, aura:find, aura:if and aura:iteration
  2. Private – Non Reactive Properties
  3. Private – Reactive Properties
  4. Public Properties
  5. Public Boolean Properties
  6. Public Methods
  7. Getter Properties
  1. connectedCallback
  2. constructor
  3. disconnectedCallback
  4. errorCallback
  5. render
  6. renderedCallback
  1. Named Slots
  2. Unnamed Slots
  3. Shadow DOM
  1. Dispatching and Handling Events
  2. Communication b/w indepdent components
  3. Reusable JS Code
  1. Understanding LDS Concept
  2. LDS – View Record
  3. LDS – Create Record
  4. LDS – Edit Record
  5. LDS – Delete Record
  6. LDS – RecordViewForm and RecordEditForm
  7. LDS – RecordForm
  1. Calling Apex Method with Wire Decorator
  2. Imperative Method call to read the data
  3. Apex method call with the parameters
  1. Toast Message Notification
  2. Record Id and Object from the current page
  1. Navigation Service
  2. Meta File Configuration
  1. Usage in Lightning Page
  2. Using LWC in Aura Component
  3. Using LWC in Visualforce Page
  1. Referring Custom Labels
  2. Referrring Static Resources

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Course Type:


1. Covering the topics with real time scenarios
2. Providing guidance to complete Platform Developer – I certification
3. Providing support for resume preparation
4. Clarifying interview/work related questions even after the course
5. Candidates can attend the course any number of times once they join for one time.
6. Providing recording sessions if the candidate misses any class due to power cut/ internet problem or personal work.

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