
1.1 Comparing Natural and Formal Languages
1.2 Different types of Tokens
1.3 Types of statements to write a program
1.4 Data Types involved in Apex Language
1.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operators
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 Controlling / Looping Statements

2.1 Encapsulation
2.2 Abstraction
2.3 Polymorphism
2.4 Inheritance

3.1 Caught Exceptions
3.2 Uncaught Exceptions

4.1 Creating Projects and capturing components from the Server
4.2 Different options involved with Eclipse

5.1 List
5.2 Set
5.3 Map
5.4 Working with Debug Logs

6.1 Different Tools used
6.2 Writing simple SOQL queries
6.3 Using Order by, Group by and Aggregate functions
6.4 Difference between Limit and Offset
6.5 Fetching Parent Object Information from the Child Object
6.6 Fetching Child Object records from the Parent Object
6.7 Writing SOSL Queries
6.8 Governor Limits for the queries

7.1 Insert, Update, Delete and Undelete
7.2 Difference between Insert and Database.insert
7.3 Difference between Update and Database.update

8.1 Difference between Workflow Rules and Apex Triggers
8.2 Difference between Before mode and After mode
8.3 Trigger Events
8.4 Trigger Context Variables
8.5 Trigger Collections and availability for the different events
8.6 Trigger Best Practices
8.7 Developing Triggers by taking different scenarios
8.8 Avoiding Recursive Triggers
8.9 Avoiding Mixed DML Operation Error
8.10 Purpose of Future method in Apex
8.11 Order of execution in Salesforce

9.1 Developing Batch Classes
9.2 Purpose of Database.stateful
9.3 Scheduling the Batch Class through user interface
9.4 Scheduling the Batch Class Programmatically
9.5 Monitoring Batch Jobs
9.6 Monitoring Schedulable Jobs

10.1 Different tags available in VF Pages
10.2 Types of Controllers
10.3 Creating Login App by using Standard Controller and Custom Controller
10.4 Static Resources
10.5 Displaying Error Messages on VF Page
10.6 StndardController – Displaying multiple records using RecordSetVar
10.7 CustomController – Displaying multiple records by fetching from the database
10.8 Types of Tables available in Visualforce
10.9 Pagination using StndardSetController
10.10 Pagination using Limit and Offset
10.11 Getting the governor limits dynamically using Limits Class
10.12 Usage of the Custom Labels in Salesforce
10.13 Displaying List of records with Wrapper Class
10.14 Custom Settings in Salesforce
10.15 Rendered, Rerender, RenderAs and contentType usage
10.16 Ajax Functions with different examples
10.17 Overriding the Standard and Custom Buttons with Visualforce Pages
10.18 Inline Visualforce Pages
10.19 Usage of immediate keyword
10.20 Passing the parameters between the Visualforce pages
10.21 Using retURL and saveURL
10.22 View State of VF Page and improving the performance of the view state
10.23 Difference between System Mode and User Mode
10.24 Difference between with sharing and without sharing
10.25 Visualforce Components
10.26 Visualforce and the order of execution
10.27 Providing Security for Apex Classes and Visualforce Pages

11.1 Visualforce and Lightning Pages Difference
11.2 Lightning Design System
11.3 Visualforce as a JavaScript Application Container by using Lightning Design System
11.4 Lightning Components
11.5 Lightning Apps
11.6 Lightning Out to embed Lightning App in Visualforce Page

12.1 sObject and Field describe information
12.2 Dynamic SOQL and Dynamic SOSL 11.3 Dynamic DML Statements

13.1 Usage of @isTest
13.2 Test Class Best Practices
13.3 Usage of seeAllData
13.4 Avoiding Mixed DML Operation error in test classes
13.5 Test.startTest( ) and Test.stopTest( )
13.6 System.runAs( ) usage
13.7 System.assert statements
13.8 Usage of @TestVisible and Test.isRunningTest( )
13.9 Code Coverage for Apex Classes and Apex Triggers
13.10 Covering code for standardController extension class
13.11 Covering code for Apex Triggers

14.1 Difference between SOAP API and REST API
14.2 Difference between Partner WSDL and Enterprise WSDL
14.3 Exposing Apex Classes with SOAP API
14.4 Parsing Apex Classes from WSDL using SOAP API

15.1 Deploying Components using Change Sets
15.2 Deploying Components using Eclipse


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2. Providing guidance to complete Platform Developer – I certification
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4. Clarifying interview/work related questions even after the course
5. Candidates can attend the course any number of times once they join for one time.
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